
You Have to Know What Your Dream

Dreams, goals...
It'll decide what you've to do now to affect your future.

How many things that you wanna do in your life?
How many places that you wanna be visited in your life?

You've to visualization what your dreams. How can you get your goals in your life if you don't have dreams? You'll know what you have to do now to get your future goals if you have dreams. You'll do something big for a big dream certainly.

Lets I visualization my dream for my future.
First at all, I wanna get master degree of course.
You have to be an educate people if you have big dream.
Interactional Design - Monash University...
It's my dream to be able to continue my postgraduate study there.
Too hard, too far to reach...
But nothing imposible, isn't it?

I wanna build a vocational school (SMK) for poor children.
I wanna build a school based on creativity skill (LPK) for poor kids.
I wanna build a archery practice site for renting and,
there is any restaurant that using the ingredients from local agricultural product.
And I plan that the local agricultural product will be produced by my sister and my brother that have agricultural backgraound.

Haha it's sounds so easy, but don't know when I'll strugle for that.
But I just have to try and strugle to get that.
Fighting, bismillahirahmanirrahim :)

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